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How To Lose A Dear Friend Without Decoration

Are you looking to lose a friend? You can try to be familiar and gross with him or her. But you can also try this safe way of losing a friend.

Photo of author Nicolas Sursock
Written by Nicolas Sursock Sep 06, 2019 at 02:14 •

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Now I know what you think: it can’t be that easy to lose a friend or even an acquaintance. But it seems there’s one simple thing that can guarantee growing sick and tired of someone.

We’re going to examine the ways you can lose a friend. My definition of a friend is someone you can rely on in good times and bad times. I guess acquaintances will only be there for the good times then.

There is one obvious reason you might lose a friend that everybody knows about. It’s called teenage jealousy or 14yo witchcraft. But today I’m not going to talk about that obvious thing. I want to know if there’s another sure way to lose a friend as if we were 14yo.

There’s only one way that can compete with our teenage angst. Is it the fact that no matter how hard you try you find yourself over and over with the same heartache?

Why Do You End Up In The Same Jam?

From 2012 until 2016, I went almost every day in Paris’ jam sessions. I can give you the name of the places because they’re really cool: Le Baiser Salé (Chatelet) and Caveau des Oubliettes (Maubert-Mutualité). Witnessing good musicians play wonderful songs is always a deep inspiration and maybe I want that blog to do the same to readers.

It sounds like a nice program so I won’t give you a heart attack by making you wait. Going almost every day outside to listen to music won’t make you lose a friend. Not a single one.

Maybe reading blogs or examining any kind of work of art every day won’t make you lose a friend. It’s recommended for everybody. The city is alive and we’re going to verify this.

You won’t lose a friend spending time in the same old jam even if it’s the jungle ruling your head.

Is It Not Caring What The Neighbours Say?

We all have neighbours. In Lebanon, our neighbours (Syria and Israel) and the region remind us every day that we have to care a little about our neighbours. But watch out because they also have neighbours and they like musicians that can bring them to a concert from time to time.

Not caring what people say is a dangerous game. I guess you have to listen but you have the choice to reply. Last time I had a fight with my neighbour, he told me I was inapt to life in society. His girlfriend though I might suffer from autism spectrum disorder.

Maybe the reason he said that was because I shouted on him: he was messing my creativity up and maybe my pancreas. It seems pancreatic cancer is the one most people fear. What if it was a matter of creativity and eccentricity?

Caring about the neighbours seems normal as if you would care about someone in your life like a singer or a blogger. Now let’s reveal how to lose a friend very quickly.

Should You Whisper In Someone’s Ears?

Yes you guessed it right: whispering in someone’s ear will make you lose a friend. In the previous post I was talking about the whisper game and how it can lead to a twisted message. I was thinking that the noise of a place could make you a natural whisperer.

How many times in a nightclub did you face a weird reaction from someone because the music was too loud?

Whispering in someone’s ear is very dangerous. Once my girlfriend whispered in my ear in front of friends. Maybe my friends did the same. To be honest, I don’t remember correctly since it was a long time ago.

You can try to whisper in the ear of someone you don’t like and that you have to meet sometimes. And please tell me what happens.

Did I Answer The Question You Didn’t Ask?

I liked that song very much. Not so much because of the guitar riff. It’s one of the most interesting riff I have ever played. It’s because in this song Led Zeppelin was answering a question I wasn’t asking.

So how is your manhood thing going on? You always find yourself in the same old jam waiting for the right song and sometimes feeling bored.

Every experience must have a lesson I guess. We remember WW2 for the moral bankruptcy people felt at the time. The lesson from spending time in Paris’ jam session is very simple: most of the time it’s cool and sometimes you hit a tough time. You have to wait 3 months until a musician saves you with a song.

[Verse 1]
In the days of my youth, I was told what it means to be a man
And now I've reached that age, I've tried to do all those things the best I can
No matter how I try, I find my way into the same old jam

Good times, bad times, you know I've had my share
When my woman left home for a brown-eyed man
But I still don't seem to care

[Verse 2]
Sixteen, I fell in love with a girl as sweet as could be
It only took a couple of days till she was rid of me
She swore that she would be all mine and love me till the end
But when I whispered in her ear, I lost another friend, oh

Good times, bad times, you know I've had my share
When my woman left home for a brown-eyed man
But I still don't seem to care

[Guitar Solo]

Good times, bad times, you know I've had my share
When my woman left home for a brown-eyed man
But I still don't seem to care

I know what it means to be alone
I sure do wish I was at home
I don't care what the neighbours say
I'm gonna love you each and every day
You can feel the beat within my heart
Realize, sweet babe, we ain't never gonna part
(1361 words)
Photo of author Nicolas Sursock
Written by Nicolas Sursock

Nicolas Sursock is a seasoned web developer, accomplished musician, and dedicated blogger, currently channeling his expertise into the meticulous curation and analysis of over 15,000 songs spanning jazz, blues, soul, rock, funk, and electronic genres. A skilled guitarist, Nicolas seamlessly blends his technical acumen with artistic expression, leaving an indelible mark on the digital and musical landscapes.

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