Sursock Labs Home

20% off your music website.

I am a highly detail-oriented web developer available for hire today.

Are you weary of speculating about the profitability of your ideas? Let me transform them into reality with the website I will construct for you. In the event of dissatisfaction, my services are rendered at no cost!


Your online presence matters

Permit me to build your website with JavaScript, a guarantee that your online traffic and conversion rates will experience a substantial surge. I am dedicated to creating a captivating digital showcase for your business. Moreover, rest assured that should you find my work unsatisfactory, the remaining 50% of the website cost will be waived.

Pixel-Perfect Design

Craft your website with meticulous attention to detail, faithfully translating your designs from Figma or screenshots into a visually stunning reality. Every pixel counts.

Competitive Hourly Rate

Delivering top-notch quality at an affordable hourly rate ranging from $45 to $70. Your budget is our priority, with a 50% upfront fee and weekly payments.

Effective Communication

Fluent in both English and French, ensuring seamless, clear communication. Your requirements will be comprehended accurately, and we encourage you to provide a written document as a discussion foundation.

Utilizing Modern Technologies

Proficiency in a range of modern frontend (Vue, React, Ember, Alpine, Tailwind) and backend (GraphQL, Firebase, Mongo, Postgre, Prisma, Express, Node) technologies. This diverse skill set gives you flexibility in project creation.

Decades of Experience

With over a decade of experience as a software engineer and four years dedicated to web development, you can trust us to deliver your project on time and within budget.

Quality Obsession

We're unapologetically obsessed with delivering the highest quality for your website and project. We're not afraid to work evenings and weekends to ensure there are no bugs or issues.


I am Nicolas Sursock, a 43-year-old engineer who resides between Paris and Beirut. My primary professional interest lies in web development and design, yet my personal passions encompass music, sports, philosophy, and health. In terms of musical preferences, I have an affinity for jazz, blues, soul, rock, funk, and electronic genres. My preferred physical activities include walking, immersing myself in nature through hiking, practicing yoga, and engaging in pilates. In 2017, I ventured into the world of blogging with the aim of creating easily accessible and digestible content.

HTML5, CSS3, JS ES6+, Markdown

SvelteKit, React, Vue, Alpine, Tailwind, Redux

Node, Express, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Firebase, Supabase, GraphCMS

Prisma, Mongoose, Stripe, React Query

Photo of musician, webdev and blogger Nicolas Sursock


Selected work

I consider myself incredibly fortunate to have ventured into web development. Despite my background as a software developer dating back to 2003, my journey commenced in 2017 with the creation of a music blog, where I became enamored with the harmonious blend of HTML, CSS, and JS.

This project was simple at the beginning. The MVP should allow you to rate songs and let your friends discover what grade you gave to which song. As time went by, the expectations went up, and the future of the website is to be a music hub.

At first, I hesitated to use the MEAN stack but later I decided to use Vue instead of Angular. Vue has a great community and was used in tutorials by the creators of Tailwind CSS. The UI uses free components from and is inspired by TailwindUI, an interesting component library.

The choice of Node, Express, and Mongo for the backend was based on the popularity of those tools. I found documentation effortlessly and was up and running in no time with a CRUD app.

The website uses Stripe to process payments. Stripe makes it easy to accept payments in many currencies and their API is straightforward. Of course, I used GraphQL with Axios because of a single endpoint ease of use.

This was my first project using a JS library and the MVP was finished in 2 months. I learned so much during that time and can't think of a better reward than making a new website!

Another project I did was to build a job board. I was spending so much time looking for a job that I felt I could do a side project to create a stunning UI so that candidates and recruiters could feel at home here.

I decided to use React to code the app because it was an industry standard. So many people use React that I felt it was a nice addition to my resume. I also had plans of using Next to make the website blazing fast. The Jamstack is gaining popularity these days.

This was another project that used Node and Express because I wanted to stick to JavaScript. But the choice of the database was still unsure. After a few thoughts about it, I decided to use Google and Facebook tech on my website and chose Firebase.

This project is still ongoing as I've been quite busy with my first project. One day, I will finish it for every beginner on Earth or every person that wants to restart their occupational life.

Get in touch

I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to receive your communication. Please don't hesitate to reach out to me using the provided contact form or via email. Should you wish to contribute to the blog, kindly send a message with the subject "writer." For any other inquiries, I encourage you to provide as much detail as possible in your correspondence.

+961 3 47 88 25 +33 6 62 19 80 21

Please mention your budget and your deadline.