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How Does Taking an Astronomy Class Propel Personal Growth?

Discover how the vastness of the cosmos studied in an astronomy class can inspire personal development and intellectual curiosity.

Photo of author Nicolas Sursock
Written by Nicolas Sursock Aug 19, 2019 at 22:01 •

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"99," by Toto, is a quintessential piece of the late 1970s rock scene that elegantly marries the era's penchant for smooth production with a distinctively emotive core. The track, a standout from their 1979 album "Hydra," encapsulates the band's ability to craft songs that are as musically intricate as they are accessible.

The song's introduction, a gentle cascade of synths, sets the stage for a reflective and somewhat melancholic journey. Steve Lukather's voice, both tender and powerful, acts as a guiding light through the nuanced soundscape. His vocal delivery is imbued with a palpable sense of longing, which is perfectly complemented by the lush harmonies and the understated yet poignant guitar work.

Instrumentally, "99" is a testament to Toto's musical prowess; the band members demonstrate a masterful restraint, allowing the song to breathe and resonate with the listener. Each instrument is meticulously placed within the mix, showcasing the group's attention to sonic detail. The keyboard work, in particular, adds a layer of dreamlike quality to the track, while the rhythm section provides a steady heartbeat that anchors the song's ethereal qualities.

In conclusion, "99" is an evocative and beautifully crafted song that withstands the test of time. It's a standout track that displays Toto's deft blend of musicianship and emotive songwriting. For those who appreciate the softer side of rock with a touch of introspection, this song is a shimmering jewel in the band's discography.

How Does the Universe Illustrate Our Insignificance?

The cosmos, in its boundless majesty, presents an array of celestial bodies within the Milky Way, ranging from an estimated 100 to 400 billion stars to over 100 billion planets. Such vastness is humbling and serves as a stark reminder of our seemingly infinitesimal existence.

A significant adjustment in our understanding of the universe's scale occurred in 2016, when the estimated number of observable galaxies leaped from 200 billion to a staggering 2 trillion. This multitude of galaxies, each shining brighter than the countless grains of sand on Earth, evokes a profound sense of wonder.

The enormity of these numbers can incite a deep existential pondering, reminiscent of the 16th-century human inclination to view Earth as the universe's nucleus. With modern scientific dialogue considering the possibility of myriad parallel universes, it is crucial that we embrace such expansive conceptions.

It is hypothesized that the Big Bang may not just be our universe's origin point but also a bridge to alternate realities. This cosmological event might represent a portal, akin to a temporal Bering Strait, allowing passage to other universes.

Can Personal Experiences Reflect Universal Paradigms?

In 1999, at the age of 18, I was poised on the cusp of adulthood, having just completed my A-levels. An invitation to spend two months in Los Angeles presented itself, offering a unique opportunity to engage in youth programs before transitioning into adult responsibilities.

While in Los Angeles, my interests in astronomy and photography deepened, though I was unable to enroll in the oversubscribed photography class. Despite this, my studies in astronomy culminated in a gratifying B+ grade, reinforcing my confidence in my academic pursuits.

My narrow success in the A-levels, with a score just above the acceptance threshold, paradoxically set the stage for my future role as an advocate for planetary alignment with human efforts. This notion of unity under a singular sun inspires collective progress in enhancing our urban environments.

The decision to stay in Paris, while my family resided in Beirut, marked a defining moment for my personal development and the wider human narrative. My academic endeavors in astronomy during that period fortified a burgeoning confidence within me.

How Does Music Influence Our Perception of Time?

The song '99,' as a tribute to George Lucas's film 'THX 1138,' features a music video that mirrors the movie's aesthetic, depicting a stark white environment and characters in white attire, emulating the protagonist's captivity within the narrative.

Despite the song's success, its guitarist, Steve Lukather, has expressed his distaste for the lyrics, finding them obscure. Yet for me, the song encapsulates the transformative year of 1999, reflecting my journey of self-discovery and detachment from familial ties.

The enigmatic title '99' and the song's themes resonate with my life's path since that year, infusing it with newfound self-assurance in an unfamiliar setting and highlighting the uncertainties of a secretive space-related venture.

Music's power to resonate with us on a profound level is exemplified by '99,' revealing the emotional depth and multi-layered impact that a well-executed composition can have on our lives, much like the song 'Long Time Woman' does in its own right.

What Are the Perils of Challenging Divine Authority?

Exploring the theme of challenging celestial forces necessitates a clarification: our discussion is not of a lascivious nature but rather an inquiry into what drives individuals to reach for what is perceived as divine. Embracing mediocrity can be akin to self-sabotage, a refusal to achieve one's potential.

The existence of divine entities remains unproven, yet their conceptualization as a higher order overseeing the cosmos persists. It is possible that these beings, if they exist, impart the necessary tools for our advancement with dignity and grace.

The song '99' may have been deemed cryptic by its creators, but its themes surrounding the pivotal year of 1999 are clear to me. They reflect the choices that led me to stay in Paris and the subsequent development of a partnership that would support my future endeavors.

Introducing a new product designed to inspire through words, I invite others to delve into this innovation. The WTOH™ method has revealed insights such as 'desolation' and 'focus,' offering a deeper understanding of the complexity of hubris.

(1584 words)
Photo of author Nicolas Sursock
Written by Nicolas Sursock

Nicolas Sursock is a seasoned web developer, accomplished musician, and dedicated blogger, currently channeling his expertise into the meticulous curation and analysis of over 15,000 songs spanning jazz, blues, soul, rock, funk, and electronic genres. A skilled guitarist, Nicolas seamlessly blends his technical acumen with artistic expression, leaving an indelible mark on the digital and musical landscapes.

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