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Why Did The French Revolution Dare To Bore Hungry People?

It may be a bit bold to pretend something about to bring justice and freedom can be boring. But most revolutions end up in self-destruction.

Photo of author Nicolas Sursock
Written by Nicolas Sursock Oct 03, 2019 at 22:35 •

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The Cult of Reason was France’s first established state-sponsored atheistic religion, intended as a replacement for Catholicism during the French Revolution. After holding sway for barely a year, in 1794, it was officially replaced by the rival Cult of the Supreme Being, promoted by Robespierre. Both cults were officially banned in 1801 by Napoleon Bonaparte with his Law on Cults of 18 Germinal, Year X.

Basically, French people were tired of Jesus Christ and were looking for a replacement. There must be a reason why the Cult of Reason didn’t last long. According to Dire Straits, when you find the reason, you have trouble getting used to it.

Scarred for life: what compensation? I guess we can safely bet that investigations are going on. And someone might have started an investigation on the investigation. After all, why would someone look for the Holy Grail?

The cult of reason couldn’t last long, and Dire Straits explained this very simply. But there’s more incoherence with the cult of the Supreme Being.

How To Be Sure About God’s Creation Being Classy.

The French Revolution decided to ditch reason and worship a supreme being. They were getting rid of their king and decided to find another ruler. But what they didn’t know is that they were looking for a beautiful class.

They were looking for reliable answers to their questions. Why’s there a blue sky? Why’s there a gray sky? Is time on our side?

The French Revolution was looking for answers. Jesus wasn’t working anymore after teenagers suggested it was a collective hallucination.

Today we know for sure that there isn’t one God because the creation is too complex to be the fruit of only one man. When the fantastic class of our universe wakes up, we can expect miracles like quantum computing.

Moral will be restored with a wonderful class and we will be closer and closer to the Holy Grail: a simple way to explore love and space.

Will You Show No Fear With No Security?

The French Revolution was interesting from a human and citizen perspective. The Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen (French: Déclaration des droits de l’homme et du citoyen de 1789), set by France’s National Constituent Assembly in 1789, is a human civil rights document from the French Revolution.

The Declaration was drafted by the Abbé Sieyès and the Marquis de Lafayette, in consultation with Thomas Jefferson. Influenced by the doctrine of “natural right,” citizens’ rights are held to be universal: valid at all times and in every place, pertaining to human nature itself.

The problem is that one year after adoring reason, they decided to adore a supreme being. It’s a bad sign because it shows the lack of preparation people had to deal with at the time.

With this blog, I might change the world, but I only want to make space travel and love exploring the basis of humanity. Our universe is vast, and we should enjoy the security with so many mishaps and failure down here.

If you can predict the future correctly, then this might be your security. I had a song predicting prices will fluctuate, and someone will go down like the King of France.

Is Death The Only Awful Safe Bet For Humanity?

What if the French Revolution was another unfortunate case of teenage angst? You know we all need to make the future better for our children. Yesterday I was talking about regression: now you can’t climb the stairs (but you were doing it comfortably at 10 years old).

The growing crisis is, in everyday language, all disorders (mood swings, attitudes of defiance, opposition to parents, need for intimacy, excessive behavior) supposed to occur during the transition phase between the child’s age and adulthood.

In psychology, authors such as Erik Erikson and James E. Marcia described adolescence as a period marked by many changes, including that of identity, which they describe as a “crisis” in the sense of psychological upheaval (cognitive and emotional). The adolescent or young adult seeks to solve this to build a stable identity and to orient himself in life.

Now the question is straightforward: what cult should we worship? Philosopher Michel Onfray used to talk once about cultures that were worshipping death.

We could worship life with those 2 fundamentals: security and adaptation. We could also worship anything or anyone that recognizes our effort and doesn’t hesitate to reward us.

It’s my last effort: an apparent reason why the French Revolution failed, and there was a reign of terror. If you worship reason, fasten your seat belt because you won’t get used to it. And if you worship a supreme being, please verify if he/she didn’t surround himself/herself with lovely people.

Did you find a message in this post like the one from Jesus? Please leave a comment explaining your nuanced approach to the French Revolution and messages from prophets.

If you take the tears from crying eyes
Will the hurt just disappear?
Put a weapon in the hand of a frightened man
Will he show no fear?
So we stand and we watch while the city lights go out one by one
Mother Nature sits on the other side with a loaded gun

Why is there blue sky, why is there red sky?
Now's the time to ask the reason
Should the blue sky, meet the red sky?
Should the rules have to change at all?

We all know whatever they say
Time is on our side
This world has been here before
Just going round and round

We all agree as far as we can see
It's just the way of the world
That's how it's meant to be

There's right and there's wrong
There's weak and there's strong

It's just the way of the world
And that's how it's meant to be

Take the motion from a spinning wheel, and watch it stop
Take the danger out of a naked flame, and what have you got
If you take the anger out of a broken heart, you feel no pain
Could you swear if you had that second chance, you wouldn't do it again

Why is there blue sky, why is there red sky?
Now's the time to ask the reason
Should the blue sky, meet the red sky?
Should the rules have to change at all?

We all know whatever they say
Time is on our side
This world has been here before just going round and round
(Round and round)

We all agree as far as we can see
It's just the way of the world
That's how it's meant to be

There's right and there's wrong
There's weak and there's strong

It's just the way of the world
And that's how it's meant to be

[Keyboard Solo (Tony Banks)]

We all agree as far as we can see
It's just the way of the world
That's how it's meant to be

There's right and there's wrong
There's weak and there's strong

It's just the way of the world
And that's how it's meant to be
(1481 words)
Photo of author Nicolas Sursock
Written by Nicolas Sursock

Nicolas Sursock is a seasoned web developer, accomplished musician, and dedicated blogger, currently channeling his expertise into the meticulous curation and analysis of over 15,000 songs spanning jazz, blues, soul, rock, funk, and electronic genres. A skilled guitarist, Nicolas seamlessly blends his technical acumen with artistic expression, leaving an indelible mark on the digital and musical landscapes.

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