Tagged “Justice”
27 post(s) in this category
27 post(s) in this category
Is My Battle Against An Evil Genius Causing My Burnout?
I guess the antidote to burnout is curiosity. We want to know what will happen when we wake up like China. No wonder people are scared.
Does Your Brain Suddenly Play Risky Tricks On You Night And Day?
Here comes the brain again. Is it a new emotion or an old one? I'm obsessed right now by guilt and shame created by the Beirut blast. Did we need this?
When Things Go Wrong Does It Make You Unsure Too?
Now Beirut can compete with Hiroshima and Nagasaki. 200 dead, 6k wounded and 300k homeless. Life goes on though but I doubt we can carry on that way.
If You're Not A Stunning Blonde, Should You Feel Angry?
Do you wonder why it's important to experience something new? And should you feel angry about the colour of your hair or skin if you're 25?
So Honestly, What Happened To The Basic Unique Golden Rule?
Trust nobody and you won't be a fool. That song sounds weird now I heard coach Kerr (3 time champ as a coach) say the contrary.
If Someone Commits An Awful Crime, Was It A Simple Matter Of Dignity?
We owe some kind of love to other human beings because they are human. I'm wondering now if crime isn't related to this implicit debt.
A Few Exclusive Hints About A Remarkable Boredom
Sometimes I feel bored but my grandma used to say that intelligent people do not get bored. Still I wanted to share my 2 cents on the matter.
Should You Be Angry At A Terrific Deadly Demon?
Some demons pose as executor of a major deity. Other demons are just friendly because they feel alone. Guess that's a story you will tell.
Is My Safe Prediction For The Uncertain Future Vulnerability?
The worst is yet to come because of bored people watching war on TV with a beer and a hand in their pants. Being alive is taking risks.
Surprised You Have The Luxury To Point Everything That's Bad?
Criticizing demands energy, care and attention. Most people judge and only read headlines. People on the internet skim.
Do You Have The Heart Of Somebody By Any Chance?
Your mind is not your own sometimes. But some will say you never had a heart of your own. One thing is sure though: it's involuntary.
Should You Be Wary Of Haters When Taking A Risk?
The way to avoid criticism is to do nothing, feel nothing and think nothing. Life's about taking risks and imagining what to do in case of failure.
Are You Shocked By The Urgent Tone Of My Unique Voice?
Drugs (or psychotropic substance) are meant to give a direction to the brain. You could have David Lynch taking power in your brain!
To Be Precise What Is Our Big Universe About Exactly?
Justice, efficacy, simplicity, unanimity. Our universe should be about this. But right now some leaders will say our universe is about competition.
Is Measuring Love One of the Keys to Wellness?
How do you measure love? How do you know you have been loved? I guess it's simple. You have to keep track of the time you spent.
How The European Union Became A Private Joke
WW2 has made Europe the center of attention for a long time. The deadliest war in history has its roots in Europe and nobody wants to forget.
What Should Curious You Do When You Need The Majestic Sun?
Life is a game of probabilities like poker. There is a proven method to succeed in life provided you can digest the improbable horrors.
Does Vague Violence Toward Men Make People Utterly Speechless?
No one is innocent and sweet. We forget how fragile we are and God only knows we can't breathe when someone has their knee on our neck.
Should We Be Undeniably Surprised By This Stunning Revolution?
I used to see trees of green and red roses too. But all people in Lebanon can see is how they've been messed up and abused for 50 years.
Should You Act Crazy Cold Like You Don't Fucking Care?
The opposite of love isn't hate; it's indifference. Caring has a price but what I've learned is that it's the only way to learn something.
Why Did The French Revolution Dare To Bore Hungry People?
It may be a bit bold to pretend something about to bring justice and freedom can be boring. But most revolutions end up in self-destruction.
Who Will Pay The Revolting Price This Worrisome Year?
I guess everything has a price: love, friends, family. It's such a shame it's not very clear how much it will cost. You need the drug clarity.
Helpless On Impact Of This Instructive Cosmik Debris?
Sometimes it can be hard to decode what the other person is saying. Time will tell if you're going to fall or get up after facing that rock.
One Intriguing Revelation You Need To Know About God
God knows everything but can he/she make a mistake sometimes? After all, it is asked we believe in him/her. There must be a misunderstanding.
How Does the Longevity of Political Leadership Reshape Our World?
Uncover the subtle shifts brought about by extended political regimes and the ways to navigate this new landscape.
6 Reasons Your Web Traffic Vanished, Even Children Can Grasp Number 3
Sometimes people can witness a drop in website traffic that isn't related to an algorithm change. People need to know why they should care about you.
Would You Stand Still Should You Witness Injustice On Social Media?
Today, I'm exercising my freedom of speech by starting a blog inspired by music. We live in a democracy but we witness injustice every day sadly.