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Does Your Brain Suddenly Play Risky Tricks On You Night And Day?

Here comes the brain again. Is it a new emotion or an old one? I'm obsessed right now by guilt and shame created by the Beirut blast. Did we need this?

Photo of author Nicolas Sursock
Written by Nicolas Sursock Aug 25, 2020 at 07:51 •

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I'm neurotic to the bone, no doubt about it. Since the Beirut blast (the explosion that devastated districts of Beirut), I think I'm feeling helpless every day. Is it another bad case of survivor's guilt?

If you spend your life with feelings of guilt and shame, I can assure you your life will be miserable. Eric Clapton created a rehab center for people suffering from those feelings.

Suddenly, I'm not half the man I used to be. And I don't post every day like I used to.

Survivor guilt is a mental condition that occurs when a person believes they have done something wrong by surviving a traumatic event when others did not, often feeling self-guilt. It's an awful feeling to experience, and you may have suicidal thoughts.

But I guess everyone knows about it when you reach some age in life. Everyone experienced some traumatic event after age 14.

Are You Able To Concentrate On Something?

The Beirut blast aggravated my symptoms. I was already a bit shaky for two years while writing this blog. But now my words won't come out right, and I'm not blogging like I used to.

I managed to write 300 posts in 2 years of blogging. It is a nice feat I'm proud of even though I do believe only 30% of posts are worth your time. That's because done is better than perfect. And blogging is a conversation.

I have a hard time writing something that makes sense. My words won't come outright. I may be a little depressive. The past makes you angry and nervous. And all we've got is this moment.

But right now all I can concentrate on is the failure of my love life and how it impacted all other areas of my life. Of course, geopolitics is also responsible for this.

Can You Think About Something Else Than This?

I have trouble concentrating. I can think of nothing but the Beirut blast right now. I don't know if we were lucky, but what I know is that it was too dangerous to store 3000 tons of explosives near a city. We weren't lucky because, even though we still have our home, we sympathize deeply with the people who suffered.

We'll never understand the sense of that kind of event. Criminal negligence or sabotage? The emotion is global, and several friends contacted me after the blast.

I never thought my mind could be controlled like this. Having bad obsessions is a real challenge for the human psyche. The Beirut blast is our new obsession.

I can't sleep, I can't eat: there's no doubt, we're in deep. It resembles love to a certain degree. The problem might be that we're not careful. It was dangerous to store those explosives near the port.

Did It Feel As Subtle As A Surprising Earthquake?

When the blast happened, I was talking on Skype with someone. Suddenly, we felt the Earth was shaking. And she hung up to see what's going on.

Another appointment was missed because of an awful event.

I feel guilty and ashamed for Lebanon. I'll never understand what went through the minds of the people who authorized to store 3000 tons of explosives near the city. I guess it will be another nice memory to hold on to.

People will remember their lives before the Beirut blast. But I guess it didn't do damage like the coronavirus yet. Corona killed 800,000 people as of today. This year is a catastrophe, and we wonder how we will forget about it.

Was It A New Emotion To Destroy Entire Districts?

Overall, the Beirut blast sounded like the coup de grace for Lebanon in the middle of a revolution. Let's not forget the Lebanese lira who lost a lot of its value since last October, and banks who won't allow Lebanese to access their money.

This year will be remembered as a horrible year, and we will have memory problems for a long time I think. I'm writing today with deep pain. Some feelings won't go away like "wtf is it a declaration of war"?

Who is responsible for the Beirut blast? Let's look at who profits from the crime.

Yes, your mind will play tricks on you, and the word brain rhymes with the word rain and pain. When I think of the rain, I'm thinking about crying.

The year 2020 will be remembered as the year of all dangers — seriously menacing our memories and giving us cold sweat every day. How can something so good (like Lebanon) go so wrong?

[Verse 1: Alex Turner]
About as subtle as an earthquake, I know
My mistakes were made for you
And in the back room of a bad dream she came
And whisked me away, enthused

And it's solid as a rock rolling down a hill
The fact is that it probably will hit something
On the hazardous terrain

[Pre-Chorus: Alex Turner]
And we're just following the flock 'round and in between
Before we smash to smithereens like they were
Then we scramble from the blame

[Chorus: Alex Turner]
And it's the fame that put words in her mouth
She couldn't help but spit 'em out
Innocence and arrogance entwined
In the filthiest of minds

[Verse 2: Alex Turner]
She was bitten on her birthday, and now
A face in the crowd, she's not
And I suspect that now, forever the shape
She came to escape is forgot

And it's a lot to ask her not to sting
And give her less than everything
Around your crooked conscience she will wind

[Pre-Chorus: Alex Turner]
'Cause we're just following the flock around and in between
Before we smash to smithereens like they were
Then we scramble from the blame

[Chorus: Alex Turner]
And it's the fame that put words in her mouth
She couldn't help but spit 'em out
Around your crooked conscious she will wind
And it's a lot to ask her not to sting
And give her less than everything
Innocence and arrogance entwined
(1363 words)
Photo of author Nicolas Sursock
Written by Nicolas Sursock

Nicolas Sursock is a seasoned web developer, accomplished musician, and dedicated blogger, currently channeling his expertise into the meticulous curation and analysis of over 15,000 songs spanning jazz, blues, soul, rock, funk, and electronic genres. A skilled guitarist, Nicolas seamlessly blends his technical acumen with artistic expression, leaving an indelible mark on the digital and musical landscapes.

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