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Tagged “Wellness”

42 post(s) in this category

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  1. Health

    How Can We Extend Our Lifespan Through Daily Health Practices?

    Uncover effective approaches to extend lifespan and improve wellness without mentioning common hurdles directly.

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Jun 17, 2023 •
  2. Wellness

    Looking For A Miracle Surprising Solution To Assured Survivor Guilt?

    In the long run, I believe it's probable or even certain that all of us will face traumatic events. Heck, if you've been a teenager, you know!

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Nov 24, 2022 •
  3. Society

    Is A Little Frantic Hell Trying To Escape A Backstabbing Reality?

    Reality is when you start to experience a headache. Unfortunately, our teenagers are prone to this because of cruelty. But not only them!

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock May 18, 2022 •
  4. Culture

    Do You Care Where You Kick Or Do You Want To Hurt?

    Pain is so close to pleasure. But when there are thieves in the temple, I wonder what kind of pleasure they have trying to hurt you?

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Sep 02, 2020 •
  5. Relationships

    Easier To Remain Earnest And Silent Than To Say Something?

    An observer is never neutral. There could be several reasons to remain silent in a situation. Is it related to having a clear vision?

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Aug 31, 2020 •
  6. Psychology

    Does Your Brain Suddenly Play Risky Tricks On You Night And Day?

    Here comes the brain again. Is it a new emotion or an old one? I'm obsessed right now by guilt and shame created by the Beirut blast. Did we need this?

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Aug 25, 2020 •
  7. Life

    When Things Go Wrong Does It Make You Unsure Too?

    Now Beirut can compete with Hiroshima and Nagasaki. 200 dead, 6k wounded and 300k homeless. Life goes on though but I doubt we can carry on that way.

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Aug 05, 2020 •
  8. Creativity

    When Will This Wicked Night Actually Come To A Happy End?

    Even the longest night will end someday and the sun will rise. Except maybe for God who is deemed to be Eternal. Anyway, was this quote about a love story?

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Jul 28, 2020 •
  9. Health

    Is There A Blissful Standard Procedure For Broken Hearts?

    The best thing to do when your heart is broken is to do something crazy and absolutely wrong. Because you could wait for the miracle a long time.

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Jul 18, 2020 •
  10. Future

    If You're Not A Stunning Blonde, Should You Feel Angry?

    Do you wonder why it's important to experience something new? And should you feel angry about the colour of your hair or skin if you're 25?

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Jun 19, 2020 •
  11. Wellness

    A Few Exclusive Hints About A Remarkable Boredom

    Sometimes I feel bored but my grandma used to say that intelligent people do not get bored. Still I wanted to share my 2 cents on the matter.

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Mar 18, 2020 •
  12. Philosophy

    How Was Your Awkward First Time Learning About Babyface?

    First experiences are critical. First impressions count but should you judge a book by its cover? Anyway, it seems we're always learning.

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Feb 11, 2020 •
  13. World

    What If Lost Humanity Skipped Another Controversial Heartbeat?

    There must be a reason for the current state of affairs on Earth. It seems like we drifted into S&M down here. Maybe losing sleep is the culprit.

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Feb 02, 2020 •
  14. Entertainment

    A Nonchalant Method To Get Over This Scary Skepticism?

    Being an artist means taking someone to hell and suggest a solution. My method taps into your creativity by finding a meaning in a 5 letter word.

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Jan 26, 2020 •
  15. Life

    Are You Happy Someone's Gonna Make You Feel Deadly Clean Today?

    One friendly face is all you need to see. In a chaotic world where we struggle to make sense, we might rely on simple things to have a good day.

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Jan 23, 2020 •
  16. Life

    How Many Beautiful Years Can You Lose When You Don't Help Yourself?

    Help yourself and heaven will help you. But sometimes it's easier said than done. What are the risks associated with a heartache or a stressful event?

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Jan 21, 2020 •
  17. Life

    Is There A Simple Reason Why Rock Bottom Is Attractive?

    You never treat me like you should. Rock bottom is comfortable because you can't get any lower (except maybe if you get that mood indigo).

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Jan 20, 2020 •
  18. Relationships

    What If You Stumble Upon Powerful Waves From Another World?

    When you're living in a difficult environment and you don't escape because you want to investigate, please don't lose your identity.

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Jan 19, 2020 •
  19. Wellness

    Is Your Passionate Body Related To Your Identity?

    According to some medicine book, the skin is a brain that's been unveiled. Or maybe you're just giving the bottomline because people don't have time.

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Jan 16, 2020 •
  20. World

    Awfully Worried If You Lose Your Healthy Right To Point Of View?

    Making your voice heard is so powerful. What if people like your point of view? Aren't you a misguided fool if you don't express yourself?

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Jan 12, 2020 •
  21. Relationships

    Is The Best Solvent For A Dynamic Humanity Coffee?

    Liquid water is important for life to appear but where are you going to take shelter from the storm? Chances are you're going to the coffee shop.

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Dec 28, 2019 •
  22. Life

    Do You Feel Like Good Things In Life Are So Few?

    Think of this when you feel down. How was the best time of your life? Was it filled with respect and activities? Laughter and love?

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Dec 25, 2019 •
  23. Philosophy

    What If Intolerance Was The Ugly Baby Of Ignorance?

    Can we tolerate everything, even the most disturbing thoughts, stories or ideas? The last time I was sober I couldn't tolerate anymore the mess we're in.

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Dec 18, 2019 •
  24. Wellness

    Will There Come A Dreaded Time When You Don't Make Gifts Anymore?

    If your family is shattered and you don't get any presents at the end of year, don't feel depressed. Now is a gift few people can open.

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Dec 05, 2019 •
  25. Wellness

    Did A Wide Range Of Emotions Make Your Heart Frozen?

    How you process emotions is important because it gives you information about the satisfaction of a need. I guess sometimes there is a lot to process.

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Dec 04, 2019 •
  26. Wellness

    Do You Understand Now Where You Got That Helpless Cold Heart?

    You see an evil scheme everywhere you look. It can become exhausting in the long run. Must be the winter of your life.

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Nov 30, 2019 •
  27. Health

    How's The Daily Life Dating A Bad Disease Instead Of A Human?

    You can get married to your bad disease, thinking it explains things to a corrupt society and protects you from the big bad world.

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Nov 28, 2019 •
  28. Society

    Do You Sometimes Feel A Bit Like A Turbulent Baby?

    Regression is a defence mechanism that helps you deal with an unpleasant reality. It's not very mature so I guess people should watch out.

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Nov 23, 2019 •
  29. Psychology

    If You Feel Like Vaguely Dying, Are You Too Generous?

    People want something out of their lives. They are prone to hang out near generous people. But what happens when the river runs dry?

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Nov 22, 2019 •
  30. World

    Is Coffee The Best To Meet Somebody Without A Doubt?

    Headquarters are important and mine are coffee shops. There is an atmosphere filled with solidarity. At least you can hear the other person.

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Oct 01, 2019 •
  31. Future

    Helpless On Impact Of This Instructive Cosmik Debris?

    Sometimes it can be hard to decode what the other person is saying. Time will tell if you're going to fall or get up after facing that rock.

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Sep 30, 2019 •
  32. Creativity

    Is Magic About Taking Care Of Teeth And Nails?

    Could it be magic now? You know the heart makes no mistake. Our era is one of the strangest ever. There must be a detail we're missing like 9/11.

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Sep 28, 2019 •
  33. Business

    Is The Savage And Wild Wolf At Your Colourful Welcoming Door?

    You'd better take a fool's advice sometimes. Haven't we all learned from them and from sages? Failing elegantly is a lost art in our society.

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Sep 27, 2019 •
  34. Wellness

    Unlimited Bone Pain Thanks To A Revisited Intense Effort?

    Take care of your fundamentals if you have bone pain. And remember to have a great time. Cool showers are never far away in this big bad world.

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Sep 26, 2019 •
  35. Wellness

    Is A Reliable Imagination Important For A Successful Life?

    Imagining is synonymous with success. It's one of the keys to reach the next level. You have to get into people's head to navigate.

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Sep 24, 2019 •
  36. Life

    What's The Breathtaking Truth About The Police And Population?

    Sideration happens when you've been struck by the cosmos. It's like denial: this can't be happening. Expect some obstacles to remain calm.

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Sep 23, 2019 •
  37. Life

    One Intriguing Revelation You Need To Know About God

    God knows everything but can he/she make a mistake sometimes? After all, it is asked we believe in him/her. There must be a misunderstanding.

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Sep 21, 2019 •
  38. Future

    How To Regain Your Balance Or Find A New One

    One thing I learned in life is that energy isn't only about intentions; it's also about having a balance. Right now, I'm working day and night.

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Aug 23, 2019 •
  39. Wellness

    Did Inhumane Traumatic Memories Leave Your Critical Guts Bad Tripping?

    They say the belly is the second brain. After trauma, you might experience a bad trip of that region. Let's analyze the basis of that memory.

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Jul 19, 2019 •
  40. Education

    5 Lessons For A Meaningful Life, Number 1 Is Hell Or Paradise

    When you have 40 years of experience, you start wondering what life lessons are important. Revenge and rivalry are critical for people.

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Apr 08, 2019 •
  41. Philosophy

    Except For Emotional Man, Is Another Being Puzzled By Existence?

    We should not be surprised by existence. Competition has created an environment where the best and the worst is possible.

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Jun 20, 2018 •
  42. Economy

    8 Great Travel Destinations When You Get Old And Wise

    When you're too broke to travel or don't have the energy, a little bit of nostalgia and taking a trip down memory lane can make you revitalized.

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Jun 18, 2018 •

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