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Tagged “Psychology”

31 post(s) in this category

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  1. Creativity

    How Can Philosophy Unlock Our Creative Potential for Innovation?

    Delve into the intersection of philosophy and creativity, offering insights into fostering innovation and awakening of creative genius.

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Nov 13, 2023 •
  2. Education

    How Do First Experiences Shape Our Lifelong Perceptions?

    Delve into how our initial encounters mold lifelong outlooks and the ways we can navigate them for personal growth and satisfaction.

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Oct 29, 2023 •
  3. Health

    How Can We Extend Our Lifespan Through Daily Health Practices?

    Uncover effective approaches to extend lifespan and improve wellness without mentioning common hurdles directly.

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Jun 17, 2023 •
  4. Psychology

    How Do We Navigate the Maze of Complex Human Emotions?

    Unraveling the intricacies of human emotions, this article offers insights into understanding and managing our deepest feelings.

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Jun 02, 2023 •
  5. Relationships

    Will Angry You Run If Nobody Talks To You At A Smooth Party?

    Social anxiety creates a feeling of prolonged cruel or unjust treatment. Instead of running away meaning you feel guilty, use the people.

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Dec 26, 2021 •
  6. Culture

    Do You Care Where You Kick Or Do You Want To Hurt?

    Pain is so close to pleasure. But when there are thieves in the temple, I wonder what kind of pleasure they have trying to hurt you?

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Sep 02, 2020 •
  7. Psychology

    Does Your Brain Suddenly Play Risky Tricks On You Night And Day?

    Here comes the brain again. Is it a new emotion or an old one? I'm obsessed right now by guilt and shame created by the Beirut blast. Did we need this?

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Aug 25, 2020 •
  8. Creativity

    When Will This Wicked Night Actually Come To A Happy End?

    Even the longest night will end someday and the sun will rise. Except maybe for God who is deemed to be Eternal. Anyway, was this quote about a love story?

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Jul 28, 2020 •
  9. Culture

    Is One Of The Reasons For Violence Fascinating Intrigue?

    What you gonna do when they will come for you? I wonder if violence isn't a riddle as if you're wondering how bad can this get and how far can this go.

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Jul 19, 2020 •
  10. Health

    Is There A Blissful Standard Procedure For Broken Hearts?

    The best thing to do when your heart is broken is to do something crazy and absolutely wrong. Because you could wait for the miracle a long time.

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Jul 18, 2020 •
  11. Education

    What Did Your Valuable Master Tell You On Success?

    It's so nice to have a mentor. Passing his/her wisdom so you can gain money and time, he/she will make you look good and credible.

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Feb 19, 2020 •
  12. Life

    Are You Happy Someone's Gonna Make You Feel Deadly Clean Today?

    One friendly face is all you need to see. In a chaotic world where we struggle to make sense, we might rely on simple things to have a good day.

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Jan 23, 2020 •
  13. Society

    Have The Powerful License For The Tragic Drama By Any Chance?

    Austerity seems like a safe bet but what if you don't have the money to wait forever? Then the drama happens and we're left with a revolution.

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Dec 15, 2019 •
  14. Environment

    Have You Seen That Loneliness Before If You're Bad To The Bone?

    Strange, you've seen that situation before. There must be some staring eyes chilling you to the bone. Big sister is watching you...

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Dec 12, 2019 •
  15. Education

    Should You Behave Since The Awesome Day You Were Born?

    Children can be exhausting. While waiting for them to express their needs clearly with words, we can safely bet maybe they're amazed at our world.

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Dec 09, 2019 •
  16. Future

    Is What's Cool About Being Young The Possibilities?

    It's cool to have options. Heck it might also be the key to a happy life. After all, what if a coffee shop doesn't want you here anymore?

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Dec 08, 2019 •
  17. Politics

    Am I Going To Trivially Reveal Who Is The Historical Dirtbag?

    If you're an artist, you should take risks. In writing, they say to be bold (don't hedge). Maybe one day I'll reveal who is the biggest jerk on Earth.

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Dec 04, 2019 •
  18. Wellness

    Did A Wide Range Of Emotions Make Your Heart Frozen?

    How you process emotions is important because it gives you information about the satisfaction of a need. I guess sometimes there is a lot to process.

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Dec 04, 2019 •
  19. Wellness

    Do You Understand Now Where You Got That Helpless Cold Heart?

    You see an evil scheme everywhere you look. It can become exhausting in the long run. Must be the winter of your life.

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Nov 30, 2019 •
  20. Society

    The Day They Tried To Kill Me Cowardly In The Paris Subway

    Yes, at some point, I became so disturbing that people tried to eliminate me physically. But there's no point in living without due respect.

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Nov 27, 2019 •
  21. Society

    Do You Sometimes Feel A Bit Like A Turbulent Baby?

    Regression is a defence mechanism that helps you deal with an unpleasant reality. It's not very mature so I guess people should watch out.

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Nov 23, 2019 •
  22. Psychology

    If You Feel Like Vaguely Dying, Are You Too Generous?

    People want something out of their lives. They are prone to hang out near generous people. But what happens when the river runs dry?

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Nov 22, 2019 •
  23. History

    One Thing You Can Be Sure Of: You're Sure Of Nothing

    The first step to learn something is acknowledging your ignorance. I guess there's an obvious lesson in life: reliable information is critical.

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Nov 20, 2019 •
  24. Future

    Helpless On Impact Of This Instructive Cosmik Debris?

    Sometimes it can be hard to decode what the other person is saying. Time will tell if you're going to fall or get up after facing that rock.

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Sep 30, 2019 •
  25. Creativity

    Is Magic About Taking Care Of Teeth And Nails?

    Could it be magic now? You know the heart makes no mistake. Our era is one of the strangest ever. There must be a detail we're missing like 9/11.

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Sep 28, 2019 •
  26. Business

    Is The Savage And Wild Wolf At Your Colourful Welcoming Door?

    You'd better take a fool's advice sometimes. Haven't we all learned from them and from sages? Failing elegantly is a lost art in our society.

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Sep 27, 2019 •
  27. Wellness

    Unlimited Bone Pain Thanks To A Revisited Intense Effort?

    Take care of your fundamentals if you have bone pain. And remember to have a great time. Cool showers are never far away in this big bad world.

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Sep 26, 2019 •
  28. Society

    What If The Sleeping Dead Had Lost An Absurd Information Battle?

    Dealing with expectations is key with matters of the heart. For example, with atomic bombs, you can expect massive casualties.

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Sep 11, 2019 •
  29. Wellness

    Did Inhumane Traumatic Memories Leave Your Critical Guts Bad Tripping?

    They say the belly is the second brain. After trauma, you might experience a bad trip of that region. Let's analyze the basis of that memory.

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Jul 19, 2019 •
  30. Relationships

    Can Standardized Expectations Enhance Our Relationship Dynamics?

    Unravel the complexities of modern relationships with a fresh perspective that promises to redefine interpersonal connections.

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Jun 09, 2019 •
  31. Productivity

    Did You Feel Confident Discovering Productivity Is About A Deadline?

    A discovery I made recently is that creating a song without overthinking gives birth to a sweet sound. The due date allows to make plans.

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Jul 02, 2018 •

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