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Effortlessly peruse all 109 entries to uncover the sentiments of an irate individual.

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  1. Entertainment

    A Nonchalant Method To Get Over This Scary Skepticism?

    Being an artist means taking someone to hell and suggest a solution. My method taps into your creativity by finding a meaning in a 5 letter word.

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Jan 26, 2020 •
  2. Health

    What If Your Unfair Tumor Was Insipidly Benign After All?

    The jungle is your head and it rules your heart. Sometimes. I guess rape and murder are common after all but if you tolerate this, good luck.

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Jan 24, 2020 •
  3. Life

    Are You Happy Someone's Gonna Make You Feel Deadly Clean Today?

    One friendly face is all you need to see. In a chaotic world where we struggle to make sense, we might rely on simple things to have a good day.

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Jan 23, 2020 •
  4. Life

    How Many Beautiful Years Can You Lose When You Don't Help Yourself?

    Help yourself and heaven will help you. But sometimes it's easier said than done. What are the risks associated with a heartache or a stressful event?

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Jan 21, 2020 •
  5. Life

    Is There A Simple Reason Why Rock Bottom Is Attractive?

    You never treat me like you should. Rock bottom is comfortable because you can't get any lower (except maybe if you get that mood indigo).

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Jan 20, 2020 •
  6. Relationships

    What If You Stumble Upon Powerful Waves From Another World?

    When you're living in a difficult environment and you don't escape because you want to investigate, please don't lose your identity.

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Jan 19, 2020 •
  7. Wellness

    Is Your Passionate Body Related To Your Identity?

    According to some medicine book, the skin is a brain that's been unveiled. Or maybe you're just giving the bottomline because people don't have time.

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Jan 16, 2020 •
  8. Society

    Do You Have The Heart Of Somebody By Any Chance?

    Your mind is not your own sometimes. But some will say you never had a heart of your own. One thing is sure though: it's involuntary.

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Jan 13, 2020 •
  9. World

    Awfully Worried If You Lose Your Healthy Right To Point Of View?

    Making your voice heard is so powerful. What if people like your point of view? Aren't you a misguided fool if you don't express yourself?

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Jan 12, 2020 •

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