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Tagged “Entertainment”

8 post(s) in this category

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  1. Wellness

    A Few Exclusive Hints About A Remarkable Boredom

    Sometimes I feel bored but my grandma used to say that intelligent people do not get bored. Still I wanted to share my 2 cents on the matter.

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Mar 18, 2020 •
  2. Entertainment

    A Nonchalant Method To Get Over This Scary Skepticism?

    Being an artist means taking someone to hell and suggest a solution. My method taps into your creativity by finding a meaning in a 5 letter word.

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Jan 26, 2020 •
  3. Life

    Is There A Simple Reason Why Rock Bottom Is Attractive?

    You never treat me like you should. Rock bottom is comfortable because you can't get any lower (except maybe if you get that mood indigo).

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Jan 20, 2020 •
  4. Society

    Is Our Critical Atmosphere In Need Of Pure Foxygen?

    Primal scream therapy should be the way to go. I once wanted to scream at my environment. It was mediocre bourgeoisie everywhere.

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Jan 11, 2020 •
  5. Education

    Should Curious One Explore The Opposite Mysterious Sex?

    What the stars looks like. What the sky looks like. It's the reason to explore. Also what your head looks like even though you might find it peculiar.

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Jan 10, 2020 •
  6. Entertainment

    How The Famous Whisper Game Can Help You

    You're not supposed to be gossiping like Rachel from Friends. A small error can become huge in the long run. There's no crisis: try to be perfect!

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Aug 31, 2019 •
  7. Business

    6 Reasons Your Web Traffic Vanished, Even Children Can Grasp Number 3

    Sometimes people can witness a drop in website traffic that isn't related to an algorithm change. People need to know why they should care about you.

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Nov 11, 2018 •
  8. Philosophy

    Except For Emotional Man, Is Another Being Puzzled By Existence?

    We should not be surprised by existence. Competition has created an environment where the best and the worst is possible.

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Jun 20, 2018 •

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