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Tagged “Society”

32 post(s) in this category

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  1. Education

    How Do First Experiences Shape Our Lifelong Perceptions?

    Delve into how our initial encounters mold lifelong outlooks and the ways we can navigate them for personal growth and satisfaction.

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Oct 29, 2023 •
  2. Politics

    Could Global Tensions Signal the Brink of World War III?

    Delve into the geopolitical tensions that hint at a larger crisis, and uncover insights that could steer us towards a peaceful resolution.

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Oct 25, 2023 •
  3. Society

    What Does It Mean To Be Begrudgingly Stuck In The Middle?

    So you're trying to make sense of what this person said or did. But sometimes it just means nobody knows you when you're down and out.

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Dec 01, 2022 •
  4. Environment

    Looking For Real Awareness In This Insipid And Strange Universe?

    It seems my universe was united to make a fool of myself. But my dignity fought back. Maybe my family will become humanity because I'm so tired.

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Nov 15, 2022 •
  5. Society

    Is A Little Frantic Hell Trying To Escape A Backstabbing Reality?

    Reality is when you start to experience a headache. Unfortunately, our teenagers are prone to this because of cruelty. But not only them!

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock May 18, 2022 •
  6. Relationships

    Will Angry You Run If Nobody Talks To You At A Smooth Party?

    Social anxiety creates a feeling of prolonged cruel or unjust treatment. Instead of running away meaning you feel guilty, use the people.

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Dec 26, 2021 •
  7. Relationships

    Should You Waste Time Feeling Hurt If You're Young And Lonely?

    Loneliness has been a scourge for many decades. It hurts people that are vulnerable. But the key to healthy relationships is to remain open.

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Dec 23, 2021 •
  8. Humor

    What If I Could Produce Electricity For A Country With My Head?

    There's a mystery in Lebanon about the electricity. Recently, I was surprised to discover my head is also full of electricity. What if I could be the provider?

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Aug 20, 2021 •
  9. Culture

    Is One Of The Reasons For Violence Fascinating Intrigue?

    What you gonna do when they will come for you? I wonder if violence isn't a riddle as if you're wondering how bad can this get and how far can this go.

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Jul 19, 2020 •
  10. Wellness

    A Few Exclusive Hints About A Remarkable Boredom

    Sometimes I feel bored but my grandma used to say that intelligent people do not get bored. Still I wanted to share my 2 cents on the matter.

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Mar 18, 2020 •
  11. Society

    Do You Have The Heart Of Somebody By Any Chance?

    Your mind is not your own sometimes. But some will say you never had a heart of your own. One thing is sure though: it's involuntary.

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Jan 13, 2020 •
  12. World

    Awfully Worried If You Lose Your Healthy Right To Point Of View?

    Making your voice heard is so powerful. What if people like your point of view? Aren't you a misguided fool if you don't express yourself?

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Jan 12, 2020 •
  13. Society

    Is Our Critical Atmosphere In Need Of Pure Foxygen?

    Primal scream therapy should be the way to go. I once wanted to scream at my environment. It was mediocre bourgeoisie everywhere.

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Jan 11, 2020 •
  14. Life

    Feel A Part Of A Crazy Scene In The Mundane Street?

    New lovers meet as they dance through the night. In my case, it was meeting a pretty girl in a coffee shop. I should have been more cautious.

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Jan 07, 2020 •
  15. Relationships

    Is The Best Solvent For A Dynamic Humanity Coffee?

    Liquid water is important for life to appear but where are you going to take shelter from the storm? Chances are you're going to the coffee shop.

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Dec 28, 2019 •
  16. Society

    Are Millenials Genuinely Dead Or Will They Change The World?

    I read an article saying marketers should forget about gen Y. But in the future I believe millenials is the generation that will make it right.

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Dec 24, 2019 •
  17. Environment

    Do You Know A Good Thing When You See It?

    Ideas are fragile in the beginning. Without some kind of development, even though it could be hell, you won't make a hit. Writing is rewriting.

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Dec 17, 2019 •
  18. Society

    Have The Powerful License For The Tragic Drama By Any Chance?

    Austerity seems like a safe bet but what if you don't have the money to wait forever? Then the drama happens and we're left with a revolution.

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Dec 15, 2019 •
  19. Environment

    Have You Seen That Loneliness Before If You're Bad To The Bone?

    Strange, you've seen that situation before. There must be some staring eyes chilling you to the bone. Big sister is watching you...

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Dec 12, 2019 •
  20. Education

    Should You Behave Since The Awesome Day You Were Born?

    Children can be exhausting. While waiting for them to express their needs clearly with words, we can safely bet maybe they're amazed at our world.

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Dec 09, 2019 •
  21. Future

    Is What's Cool About Being Young The Possibilities?

    It's cool to have options. Heck it might also be the key to a happy life. After all, what if a coffee shop doesn't want you here anymore?

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Dec 08, 2019 •
  22. Life

    Do You Want To Enter A Wonderful Standard World?

    Do you want to be seldom disappointed in life? Of course, you could expect not much from life but it's better to know your classic works of art.

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Dec 07, 2019 •
  23. Society

    The Day They Tried To Kill Me Cowardly In The Paris Subway

    Yes, at some point, I became so disturbing that people tried to eliminate me physically. But there's no point in living without due respect.

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Nov 27, 2019 •
  24. Society

    Do You Sometimes Feel A Bit Like A Turbulent Baby?

    Regression is a defence mechanism that helps you deal with an unpleasant reality. It's not very mature so I guess people should watch out.

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Nov 23, 2019 •
  25. Psychology

    If You Feel Like Vaguely Dying, Are You Too Generous?

    People want something out of their lives. They are prone to hang out near generous people. But what happens when the river runs dry?

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Nov 22, 2019 •
  26. History

    One Thing You Can Be Sure Of: You're Sure Of Nothing

    The first step to learn something is acknowledging your ignorance. I guess there's an obvious lesson in life: reliable information is critical.

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Nov 20, 2019 •
  27. Life

    One Intriguing Revelation You Need To Know About God

    God knows everything but can he/she make a mistake sometimes? After all, it is asked we believe in him/her. There must be a misunderstanding.

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Sep 21, 2019 •
  28. Society

    What If The Sleeping Dead Had Lost An Absurd Information Battle?

    Dealing with expectations is key with matters of the heart. For example, with atomic bombs, you can expect massive casualties.

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Sep 11, 2019 •
  29. Entertainment

    How The Famous Whisper Game Can Help You

    You're not supposed to be gossiping like Rachel from Friends. A small error can become huge in the long run. There's no crisis: try to be perfect!

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Aug 31, 2019 •
  30. Politics

    How Does the Longevity of Political Leadership Reshape Our World?

    Uncover the subtle shifts brought about by extended political regimes and the ways to navigate this new landscape.

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Aug 21, 2019 •
  31. Society

    What If The Mesmerizing Body Was A Kind Of Social Proof?

    The body is a kind of social proof. It reveals our place in the universe and our legitimacy. No wonder people obsess about it, like our teenagers.

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Jul 03, 2019 •
  32. Relationships

    Can Standardized Expectations Enhance Our Relationship Dynamics?

    Unravel the complexities of modern relationships with a fresh perspective that promises to redefine interpersonal connections.

    Photo of Nicolas Sursock
    Nicolas Sursock Jun 09, 2019 •

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